Ithaca, where flurries are inches and temperatures are freezing

Have you ever been outside in 5 degrees Fahrenheit? Actually 5 degrees? Well I have. I went with my main squeeze to visit his old stomping grounds and I'll tell you what, that is a new type of cold.

As we were boarding the plane up there the weather was calling for "possible snow flurries" that night. I love the snow, therefore, I was excited to get to see one more snow for the season. By the time we landed at the regional airport the flurries had begun! A dusting was all. They stopped as we were on our way to Wegman's and cleared by the time we made it to the house on Cayuga Lake. When we climbed in bed for the night, the sky was clear and the air was crisp.

In the morning, my eyes first landed on 6 inches of snow on the window sill. Where I'm from, that ain't a flurry. It was wonderful, we built a fire and made brunch complete with mimosas. Then cleared out the driveway to get coffee by the commons. The commons is a pedestrian mall downtown that is only about three blocks long. So why not go for a stroll?

Because it's 5 degrees out. 

Here are my top 6 things for a short time in Ithaca:

  • Purity Ice Cream, the service wasn't great when we went, but the ice cream was
  • Wander around Cornell's campus, when it is warmer of course
  • Taughannock Falls was partially frozen, and beautiful from the upper viewing lot, or from the short trail up to it
  • Viva Taqueria by the commons was a fun atmosphere and delicious
  • Argos Inn is a historic mansion turned inn and bar, a beautiful space and interesting drinks
  • Glenwood Pines Restaurant, or just The Pines, is a casual little place with a T.V. to watch any big Carolina games you might be missing while away

Ithaca is a sweet little town, I would love to go back in the summer!